Bright Accounting Ltd is committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to our website at The privacy policy is provided to inform you on how we use and protect the information that you provide to us through this website, email and any other means, this policy relates to any personal data that you provide to us.
All personal data provided by you will be held by Bright Accounting Ltd. Bright Accounting Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, UK and our UK data protection registration number is ZA391701.
Description of processing
The following is a broad description of the way this organisation/data controller processes personal information. To understand how your own personal information is processed you may need to refer to any personal communications you have received, check any privacy notices the organisation has provided or contact the organisation to ask about your personal circumstances.
Reasons/purposes for processing information
We process personal information to enable us to provide accounting, auditing and related services, to maintain our own accounts and records and to support and manage our employees.
Type/classes of information processed
We process information relating to the above reasons/purposes. This information may include:
• personal details
• family, lifestyle and social circumstances
• goods and services
• financial details
• education details
• employment details
We also process sensitive classes of information that may include:
• physical or mental health details
• racial or ethnic origin
• religious or other beliefs
• trade union membership
Who the information is processed about
We process personal information about customers and clients, advisers and other professional experts and employees.
Who the information may be shared with
We sometimes need to share the personal information we process with the individual themself and also with other organisations. Where this is necessary we are required to comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act (DPA). What follows is a description of the types of organisations we may need to share some of the personal information we process with for one or more reasons. Where necessary or required we share information with:
• business associates, professional advisers
• family, associates and representatives of the person whose personal data we are processing
• suppliers
• local and central government
• financial organisations
• ombudsmen and regulatory authorities
• credit reference and debt collection agencies
• healthcare professionals, social and welfare organisations
• current, past or prospective employers
• examining bodies
• service providers
Additional reasons
Consulting and advisory services
Information is processed for consultancy and advisory services that are offered. For this reason the information processed may include name, contact details, family details, financial details, and the goods and services provided. This information may be about customers and clients. Where necessary this information is shared with the data subject themselves, business associates and other professional advisers, current, past or prospective employers and service providers.
By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Bright Accounting Ltd. You are entitled to see the information held about you and you may ask us to make any necessary changes to ensure that it is accurate and kept up to date. If you wish to do this, please contact us either by phone 07788125066 or by email.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
Any changes to our privacy policy in the future will be posted to the website.
All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be addressed to or via phone 07788 125066.